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Ardra Moon
Vedic Astrology

Counseling by
Nadya Lakaeva


Discover your Dharma... burn your Karma.

Hello & Namaskaram

I am Nadya Lakaeva

a Vedic Astrologer, Teacher, Counselor, Designer, Artist, and an Empath.

I am Simon Chokoisky's partner, colleague, and senior student.

Following the lineage of Simon's guru, I have had the honor, blessing, and privilege of practicing and teaching along his side for a while now.

To get a reading with me, please review the info on this site and schedule an appointment using the built-in calendar system.


Whether you've had your Astrological Birth Chart read before or not, you'll get brand new (deep, profound, validating, eye-opening) insights in every one of my readings. Please review the session topics  & then book a session type that suits your needs using the built-in calendar.


Have you ever wanted to read your own birth chart? Or the charts of your loved ones? Perhaps, you could be a talented Astrologer, deciphering the mysteries of a person's Karma, Dharma, & Destiny! Join our amazing community of students from all professional & ethnic backgrounds! 

A detailed COPY OF YOUR BIRTH CHART is provided with every reading type.

Session Topics

Hover over the images for overview. Click for detailed descriptions.


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Thanks for submitting! Welcome to our Jyotisha family!



“Nadya Lakaeva is a true gift! I booked a reading with her - my first Vedic Birth Chart reading. It was an amazing experience. Nadya carefully explained the details on my chart and checked in to be sure I understood what she was sharing. I left with a better sense of things. I feel inspired and clear on what the best next steps are to take care of my physical and mental health. I am better prepared and informed to make decisions going forward. As well - she sent an awesome follow up to our call including resources and information to support me as I move forward.

Highly recommend this experience with Nadya.”

"I was thoroughly impressed by Nadya’s reading. She is a true Vedic master astrologer. You could spend hours and hours learning from her about your cosmic “blueprint” yet she is able to distill the reading so you get the most important information. She also generously provides a lot of useful information afterwards so you can get the most from your reading. Very grateful!"

" I had a reading with Nadya, and I am more than grateful for it. I received some many insights from her - from ayurveda to jyotish and dharma. You end the consultation with so many ideas on what to work on to improve your life and living your purpose. Nadya took so much time to explain each placement and their impacts. I felt very aligned with the reading. I can't recommend enough! Thank you Nadya for this beautiful reading, full of light and wisdom"

"Nadya’s approach to jyotisha is precise, authentic and informative. My family and I have had the privilege to work with Nadya multiple times. Each session leaves me feeling more in touch with who I am as a person and how my stars will affect the upcoming journey of my life. I highly recommend working with Nadya!"

"Thank you so much for your advice and guidance. I really appreciate it. This is the best reading I've ever had. Everything you explained made perfect sense. I couldn't have asked for better reading than this. I'm glad that I was able to connect. Thank you so much for the wealth of information you've provided. I really appreciate it. I've downloaded my recording and also re-watched it yesterday. You explained everything so beautifully and most importantly the "why" behind everything in my birth chart. I always wanted to know the "why". I also learned quite a bit of astrology in your session."

"I really can't thank you enough for the session last week. I am still processing so much, but have made commitments to move forward with the recommendations you provided.

I've never had such an accurate reading before. This connected with me on a soul level and I look forward to learning more about Vedic Astrology."

Contact Info - Home Page

Contact Info

Nadya Lakaeva

Vedic Astrologer, Teacher, Writer, Counselor, Designer, Artist, Empath


Ardra Moon, LLC

I am located near:   West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Time Zone:   U.S. Eastern Time Zone

All sessions are on:   Zoom (recorded at your request)


Contact Info



Phone & WhatsApp:   +1 (602) 315-1118

No solicitations, please.  Thank you.


Payments Can Be Sent Via

Zelle:   Nadezda Lakaeva

Venmo:   @ardramoon



Read More About Nadya

Private Sessions

Vedic Astrology readings, counseling you based on your Birth Chart, diving deeply into your chart's Karmic Imprint, Static & Dynamic Potential.

Classes & Courses

A variety of individual classes & long-term courses, taught solo and alongside my brilliant partner, Simon Chokoisky, decoding Vedic wisdom.

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